
LASC offers a variety of activities beyond the classroom. We are always interested in your ideas about new clubs. To participate in any club, you must be a current senior college member. Senior College members are welcome to join our Clubs any time.

Monthly Dine-Around 
Members will meet to eat and socialize.  The meeting schedule will be decided by the membership.
Contact Crystal Martin: 207-239-1141

Outdoor Adventure
Activities might include canoeing, kayaking, easy hiking, snowshoeing, zip-lining, etc.  Activities and how often we meet will be determined by the membership.
Contact Patricia Vampatella:  207.926.3131

Members will meet to visit theater productions around the southern part of the state.  Members will meet depending on the schedules of the theaters.
Contact Barbara Connell: 207.787.1198

Even the chilly weather does not stop the Outsiders from enjoying a brisk hike in the woods!

The Outsiders
Members enjoy weekly outdoor activities— hiking during the spring and summer months, mountain climbing in the fall, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing in the winter, and kayaking in the summer months. Members provide their own equipment and transportation. Outings are usually within a 30-minute ride from Lewiston to the destination and last several hours. These activities are generally at no cost to members. The Outsiders welcomes new members.
Contact Reine Mynahan:  207.749.0829

Art Lovers
The purpose of the Art Lovers Club is to share artwork, tips, and sources for art materials. Members may also share their favorite artists, movements, and museums. This club meets every other week or so, by ZOOM. You do not need to be an artist to join. Call to attend the next meeting and see what we are all about.

To participate in any of the in-person clubs, you must complete two forms:

Form 1 :
Please complete our  Release and Assumption of Risk Form.

Form 2:
Please complete our Emergency Contact Form.

Note: These are web forms (i.e. online form), so no need to print!
Once you have completed the form simply use the Submit button at the end to send the information to Lewiston Auburn Senior College.

Thanks for your interest!

Provide your details below and we’ll periodically send you information, but will never share your email.

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If you have any questions, please be in touch.