Renew your enthusiasm for learning in the relaxed atmosphere of Lewiston Auburn Senior College classes. You’ll engage in discussions on course material, enjoy presentations from the instructors, and meet new friends. Our courses are peer taught, with no entrance requirements, grades or tests. Your experience and love of learning are what count, no college background is needed.
Browse/Register for Classes on CourseStorm ⎘
Lewiston Auburn Senior College offers classes three semesters each year:
Fall Semester (September – November)
Winter Semester (January – March)
Spring Semester (April – May)
During each semester, classes range in length from one day, to eight weeks
Course fees are $25/each. One week classes are all free.
We offer In-Person, Zoom, and Hybrid Classes:
In-person classes are held at USM LAC, 51 Westminster St., Lewiston, ME 04240, unless otherwise noted. The location of your class will be given in CourseStorm, when you register.
Before your ZOOM class starts, you will receive an email invitation to participate.
Click on the link on the day and time of the class. This will connect you to your ZOOM class!
Note: There will also be a telephone number in case you have any questions. If you can, test the link before the class to make sure everything is working OK on your end, if not call the telephone number to get help.
We have the capability to offer in person classes that can also be attended through zoom, or the instructor may be ZOOMed into a classroom full of students.
LASC uses the CourseStorm software to register its members for classes. It is quick, easy and secure. The first time you register, you will need to create an account with your email and a password. You can add courses at any time by using your email and password. Pay by credit or debit card.
If you must pay by check, CourseStorm can do that:
1. Make the check payable to Lewiston Auburn Senior College
2. Mail your check to:
Lewiston Auburn Senior College
PO Box 2427
Lewiston, ME 04241-2427
3. Please be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number and the name of each of the courses you are paying for, including membership.
As long as the course has an opening, you are able to register up until the first class. If the course is full you will be able to add your name to a waiting list and you will be contacted should an opening arise.
If you need assistance to register, please call 207.713.7266, or email us at
Please read the entire description of the course to be sure what type of course you are signing up for. If signing up for a hybrid class, be sure to sign up for the correct section of the class, ZOOM or IN PERSON.
Don’t know how to ZOOM? Or, you know how but are not comfortable yet? Please email: and let us know! We help you individually.
Senior College Scholarships
Senior College scholarships are available for persons over 50 years of age who cannot afford membership costs but have an interest in higher learning and wish to participate.