Lewiston Auburn Senior College is one of seventeen senior colleges across the state offering many exciting opportunities for those over 50: classes about a wide variety of topics, thought-provoking presentations, special interest groups (clubs) and fun!
Annual membership fees are $35 (July 1- June 30) and offer you access to our courses and clubs. We keep in touch with our members through email. If you have any questions, please email us at: laseniorcollege@gmail.com or call: 207.713.7266.
Your LASC membership also allows you to register for courses at any other Senior Colleges across the state. Visit the Maine Senior College Network website to see what other senior colleges are offering. https://www.maineseniorcollege.org
You can become a member by registering for “membership” on CourseStorm.
Senior College scholarships are available for persons over 50 years of age who cannot afford membership costs but have an interest in higher learning and wish to participate.